News Media

Previous Influencers Audience

Frank, News Media

“I want to learn more about what’s happening at Emory.”


  • member of the local media
  • familiar with Emory
  • primary access: desktop

Frank is a prominent member of the local news media and lifelong resident of Atlanta. He’s just heard about a recent breakthrough in the field of autism research by a team of Emory researchers. He has done a preliminary Google search, but it hasn’t yielded much about it. He would like a more in-depth dive into the background of the story, the research, the impact on Atlanta, and the future of the project. In addition to information about this story, he has also been interested in learning more about Emory’s Continuing Education courses. He’s found himself with some extra free time on his hands and wants to look into Emory’s Creative Writing Certificate program.


  • wants more information on Emory news stories
  • wants to stay up-to-date on Emory autism research projects
  • wants to explore Emory Continuing Education opportunities

Questions? Ideas?
Contact the Communications and Marketing brand team.